Well since the holiday season is upon us I thought I might share some thoughts, tips and experiences about holiday shopping! Soon it will be time to start thinking about those holiday deals that the retailers force upon us with their TV advertisements, internet advertisements, newspaper advertisements, etc.
It’s hard to miss out on all these ads since this time of year those advertisers just seem to find every way possible to get those great deals to find there way into your life somehow. No matter where you look, the ads will make there way into your vision and thoughts.
These advertisements will start increasing as we near Thanksgiving and the Loved and Hated Black Friday holiday shopping kick-off. So then what will you do? You must have a few things that you have thought about buying lately, right?
Either for a loved one, a dear friend, a family member or even yourself, those holiday shopping thoughts will creep into your mind?
So then what are you going to do? Some people like to get their holiday shopping done early so they won’t have to worry about it anymore. Some will wait till the last minute hoping to grab what they need to fill their holiday shopping list needs.
Me personally, I just kind of buy a little here and there throughout the holiday shopping season. I do try to make sure I have everyone I am buying for taken care of at least a week before Christmas so I won’t have to fight those dreaded shopping crowds that grow as Christmas grows nearer.
Now a few years back a friend of mine had told me that he had gotten an awesome deal on a new television a few days before Thanksgiving. He said the deal he had gotten was even better then the Black Friday deals that came out for the exact same television.
Hearing this it got me to thinking (I tend to analyze things more than most people) about why he had gotten a better deal before Thanksgiving when you always hear how much better the deals are for Black Friday and the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I started to do some research and had found out that the week or so before Thanksgiving is usually a slows sales time for the retailers.
After further research and thought I had come to the conclusion that this happens because many people are either busy getting ready for the Thanksgiving holiday and whatever they choose to do then or they are waiting until after Thanksgiving for those conceived Black Friday deals.
Now because of these two reasons, it is a slow sales time for most retailers, with the exception of the grocery stores and such.
Now because the week or so before Thanksgiving is slow for many retailers because of these reasons they tend to offer some really great deals in hopes of making some sales during this slow time.
I personally have gotten some great deals on a few things I was looking to buy in the week right before Thanksgiving.
Even after making my purchases I had still checked the sales ads and such to see if better deals were to be had and I was happy to find out that the deals I had gotten before Thanksgiving were better than what was offered on Black Friday and the time beyond that.
So the bottom line is to keep an eye on those advertisements and sales fliers you see right before the Thanksgiving holiday. You never know, you might even get a great deal yourself on something you have been thinking about buying.
Do you have a holiday season shopping tip? If so then tell others about it in a message below!