I have to say that I am the type of person who does a lot of web searches. I am always looking for information about one thing or another. Google, Bing, Yahoo and Duckduckgo are my usual search engine websites of choice but I do stray for one reason or another.
I am the kind of person who starts out looking for information on one topic / thing but then I see something and that leads me to doing a web search on something else.
To tell you the truth, I was just doing some searches on testing the speed of which a website loads (I’m always doing mods to my website to improve its speed and improve my visitors viewing experience) to see where my website is in terms of page load speed (ulterios.com is actually pretty fast compared to other sites).
One thing lead to another and while doing a Google search I came across some articles on the most searched topics on the internet for this year (2014).
Now after doing some research I had found that Google had released their most searched for topics of 2014 and I have to say that most of the topics on the list I can understand their search popularity. A couple on the other had have me a little baffled.
Here is the list of Google’s most searched topics for 2014:
1. Robin Williams
2. World Cup
3. Ebola
4. Malaysia Airlines
5. Flappy Bird
6. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
8. Ferguson
9. Frozen
10. Ukraine
With everything that has happened in 2014 I expected many of these to be on this list at the years end. I do have to say that the number one searched topic of Robin Williams is one that I wished wasn’t in that number one spot.
Not because of the importance of this great man but I just wish that he was in that spot for some other reason beside his passing away.
I grew up watching many of Robin Williams great movies and even used to watch Mork and Mindy, the TV show he starred in (I might be giving away my age a bit, LOL.). He was a big loss for the entertainment industry and there will never be another person quite like him.
Now, the one that surprises me the most is the topic in the number 5 spot, Flappy Bird. I would think that if this one had made the list, it would have been at the bottom of the list.
How can a game app with such poor graphics and game play be ahead of things like ISIS, Ferguson and the Ice Bucket Challenge? I understand that it was a big thing but I guess that I just didn’t realize it would have been that searched. I guess I am just not in the mix of things as much as I thought. LOL
Well with 2015 just right around the corner this list will start over from scratch, so we will have to see what people are searching for the most in a year. I wonder how many surprises will be on next years list?
Do you have a question or comment about this list? If so, please leave me a reply at the bottom of the page.